Beef Topside


Topside of beef is a large, lean cut. Both topside and silverside are taken from the hind quarter of the animal, between the rump and leg. The topside muscle, being both lean and quite tender, makes an excellent roasting joint.

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Beef topside is a cut of beef taken from the round of the cow. Generally, this is one of the leanest, or most fat-free, cuts of beef available, but it is often bought surrounded by a layer of fat. The cut can be used in many different dishes, and it can also be roasted whole or stir-fried. As a result of the low-fat content of the cut, it is best cooked slowly in order to prevent the meat from drying out. Top round is another common name for this cut.

The round is located above the back legs of the cow, literally on the top portion of the animal. It is located just above the shank, which is the section of meat close to the back legs of the animal. Beef topside is taken from the round, and has no bones in it. The topside cut is the closest one to the back end of the animal, with the sirloin and tenderloin cuts directly next to it.

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